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Add-In development

If you like to develop add-ins for the PellesC ide you have to download the matching Add-In SDK to your version of Pelles C.

After installation you can find a help file 'bin/help/addin.chm' in the PellesC directory. This help file is also included in the PellesC main help file. You can find it there under 'Integrated Environment –> Add-In SDK'. There is further a directory 'Pelles C Projects/Samples/Add-Ins' in your user directory. You can study these samples to get an idea, how an add-in should look like.

Add-ins are dlls. After creating your add-in you have to copy it to 'PellesC/bin/AddIns' (AddIns64 respectively). Then restart the ide and search for your add-in under 'Tools –> Customize –> Add-Ins'. Check it to use it.

addin_development.1420887353.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/10 11:55 (external edit)